Natural resources and Traditional Knowledge

Natural resources and Traditional Knowledge

Natural Resources and Traditional Knowledge

Grand Mere



Terre Four

Poubelle Recycle


Terre recyclable


Gachis papier






Beyond the quality of our natural cosmetics, Our Passion is also to assist in the

preservation of our ecosystems, in a very active approach with concrete

actions of our company in green design of its products and  brochures.

In our environmental ecological approach, we want you to help discovering

magnificient areas whose preservation is still virgin of human influence ;

to help a better understanding of our environment and preserve our

ecological heritage whose beauty is matched only by its fragility.


This is why the names of our products are suggestive  of parks and natural

 reserves, often classified as world heritage by UNESCO and that the ecological

and ethical living in the Origin of our Earth and the legacy of our ancestors.

 Similarly, each region is represented by a rock frieze coming from patterns

made by our ancestors and an emblematic flower, symbol of the plant

and beauty of women par excellence.